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Archive: May 2017

Avoid These 4 Common Phishing Scams
Avoid These 4 Common Phishing Scams

Phishing as defined by Merriam-Webster is “A scam by which an e-mail user is duped into revealing personal or confidential information which the scammer can use illicitly.” Scams like these happen each and every day, and many times, the victims don’t even realize they’re participating in them. Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri...

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cyber security, identity theft, phishing, scams

Red Flags to Look for on Your Credit Score
Red Flags to Look for on Your Credit Score

Everyone and their brother seems to be sharing the importance of checking your credit score, but once you have the information, how do you actually know what it means? At Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri, we want you to not only have the information about your personal finances but be able to understand and act upon it as well. If you see any of...

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credit, credit history, credit score, Money Management, Personal Finance

Nature v. Nurture: The Psychology of Spending
Nature v. Nurture: The Psychology of Spending

If you’ve ever taken Psychology 101, you’ve probably heard the argument for nature v. nurture. In this multi-century discussion, psychologists have debated whether a person’s genetics or environment make a greater impact on their personal behavior. At Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri we’re excited to share our take on this...

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budgeting, Money Management, Personal Finances, savings, Spending

Three Things to Look for in a Starter Home
Three Things to Look for in a Starter Home

If you’re in the market for your first home, congratulations! Becoming a homeowner is an exciting step on your financial journey. At Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri, our dedicated mortgage lenders are here to help you find the best financing option for your new home. Remember to stop in and secure a pre-approval letter before you start your...

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financial education, home lending, mortgages, Personal Finance, real estate, starter home