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Tag: Money Management

Money Management for College Students
Money Management for College Students

If you’re fortunate, your parents may have taught you how to save your allowance or a certain percentage of each paycheck. However, if those skills weren’t taught to you or you just plain didn’t listen, we are here to help you at the beginning of your financial journey as an adult! Stay tuned for some simple tips you can start doing...

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college, Money Management

5 Strategies to Shrink Debt
5 Strategies to Shrink Debt

Minimizing your debt can always seem like a mountain of to-do lists. With various recurring payments, differing interest rates, and due dates that never seem to end, if you feel overwhelmed, you’re not alone.   While having credit card or other outstanding debt isn’t a situation anyone wants to find themselves in, a surprising...

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debt, financial education, fiscal, Money Management, save money

When to SAVE and When to SPLURGE
When to SAVE and When to SPLURGE

When you and your sweetheart set your budget each month, there are a variety of factors at play. Where can you get the best deals on groceries? How many date nights will you have each week? Do the kids have any sporting activities that require new equipment? At Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri, we recognize that everyone’s budget is different....

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budget, budgeting, financial education, Money Management, Save, splurge

The Latte Factor 101
The Latte Factor 101

Making your way through the drive through every morning before 7:30 may give you a refreshing start to your day, but at what cost? The ideology that coffee shops and other retailers capitalize on is the notion that these small expenditures add a little excitement to your day without a hefty bill. However, when you enjoy perks like these on a daily basis,...

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latte factor, Money Management, Personal Finance, Save Money, savings

Red Flags to Look for on Your Credit Score
Red Flags to Look for on Your Credit Score

Everyone and their brother seems to be sharing the importance of checking your credit score, but once you have the information, how do you actually know what it means? At Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri, we want you to not only have the information about your personal finances but be able to understand and act upon it as well. If you see any of...

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credit, credit history, credit score, Money Management, Personal Finance

Nature v. Nurture: The Psychology of Spending
Nature v. Nurture: The Psychology of Spending

If you’ve ever taken Psychology 101, you’ve probably heard the argument for nature v. nurture. In this multi-century discussion, psychologists have debated whether a person’s genetics or environment make a greater impact on their personal behavior. At Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri we’re excited to share our take on this...

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budgeting, Money Management, Personal Finances, savings, Spending

7 Financial Goals to Make 2017 a Success
7 Financial Goals to Make 2017 a Success

Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri challenges you to make 2017 the year of financial prosperity. Complete with an emergency fund, sound credit, and a monthly budget, you can conquer any fiscal goal as long as you keep moving towards it. To optimize your money management potential, we recommend these seven goals:   Check Your Credit Score....

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financial goals, goals, Money Management, new year, Personal Finances, resolutions

Teaching Your Children the Meaning of Giving
Teaching Your Children the Meaning of Giving

The holiday season is all about giving. Whether it’s through time, labor, or funds, philanthropy is the spirit of the season. This December, help your little ones understand the power of giving with these four lessons, courtesy of Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri: Help Yourself by Helping Others Did you know that every time you participate...

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Children, Giving, Money Management, Personal Finances, Teaching