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Category: Reitrement

Retirement Strategies for Your 20s
Retirement Strategies for Your 20s

It may seem like a lifetime away, but retirement has a way of sneaking up on all of us. Something to remember when it comes to retirement is that the earlier you start saving, the better. Plus, you’re never too young to invest in your future. If you’re in your 20s, here are some helpful strategies you can implement to set yourself up for...

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A Beginner’s Guide to IRAs
A Beginner’s Guide to IRAs

Why should I worry about saving for retirement right now? Are IRAs really that important? If you are questioning the importance of saving for retirement and what can drastically affect your future, you’ll want to continue reading. We wanted to provide a beginner’s guide to IRAs so you can understand your options and the differences...

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Retirement: What You Should Know
Retirement: What You Should Know

While retirement might sound lifetimes away, it sneaks up faster than you think. Many people wonder when to start saving for retirement, how to start, how much money they’ll need and more. We’ll answer those common retirement questions in this blog, so keep reading!  When to Start  The time is now! If you are earning...

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How to Boost Your Retirement Savings
How to Boost Your Retirement Savings

Maybe you are already off to a good start when it comes to saving for retirement, but there may be some ways in which you can amp it up. If you could boost your retirement savings even by a little now, it can pay off big time later! Here’s how: Step Up the 401(k) Most companies offer a matching contribution of up to three percent to your...

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retirement, savings

IRA FAQs: Find Your Answers
IRA FAQs: Find Your Answers

Retirement may seem far away or it may be approaching soon. Either way, you likely have some questions as many people do. Today, we will tackle some of the most common questions.  What is an IRA? IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. The purpose of it is to help people save for retirement. The two basic types of IRAs are Traditional...

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Best Retirement Strategies for Your 20s
Best Retirement Strategies for Your 20s

If you’re in your twenties and thinking about retirement, you are light-years away from your peers who wait until it’s too late. You’ll be so glad you started to take serious steps towards your golden years with these straightforward strategies. 1. Negotiate More Your first job isn’t typically known to be a real money maker....

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20s, retirement

How to Meet Your Retirement Saving Goals
How to Meet Your Retirement Saving Goals

No matter your age, every day you work is a step closer to retirement. When you think of driving off into the golden years, where are you headed? You likely have a picture in mind, whether it is having a house in your dream location or an RV to explore the National Parks. Whatever that goal is, the steps to get there are going to be similar. Here are...

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retirement, savings goals

Saving For Retirement in Your 30’s
Saving For Retirement in Your 30’s

Congratulations, after your roaring twenties, you have made it to the thriving thirties. Unfortunately, with another candle added to the cake comes another responsibility. People in their thirties have a very high amount of expenses from a house payment to the cost of little ones, which is why we wanted to offer the following solutions to saving. Automate...

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retire, retirement

Saving for Retirement: How Much Is Enough?
Saving for Retirement: How Much Is Enough?

Over the years, we put away money for important events such as a baby, college tuition, a new car or house. Those tangible items make it worth the amount we set aside. However, retirement is a harder concept to grasp, as it is far off into the future. For this reason, we wanted to help shed some light on how much is actually enough when saving for retirement. How...

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retire, retirement

FAQs about IRAs
FAQs about IRAs

An IRA is an individual retirement account that is used as a tool for people to earn and earmark funds for retirement savings.  Retirement may seem far away, but the earlier you start to save, the better off you’ll be! You have flexibility when choosing investments and minimizing taxes, which means an IRA can play a huge role in how...

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