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Archive: June 2017

How to Tell if a Call is a Scam
How to Tell if a Call is a Scam

Often times, phishing calls can come off as friendly or even helpful, however, in many instances the caller is malicious and intends to compromise your personal information. Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri wants to help you avoid situations like these, and offers the following key prompts to help you identify a fraudulent caller. Keep these five...

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cyber security, financial education, Personal Finance, scam

Why Checking Your Credit Score Matters
Why Checking Your Credit Score Matters

Across television ads, online banners, and even chit-chat among relatives, the phrase, “Check your credit score,” seems to be popping up everywhere. If something so important needs constant reminders, why does it have such a key importance in your personal finances? Well, the truth is that it doesn’t, your financial actions do.   A...

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credit report, credit score, financial education, Personal Finance

5 Affordable Summer Vacations
5 Affordable Summer Vacations

One of the best things summer brings, aside from the beautiful weather, is time to enjoy with your family. Whether that’s planning a fun weekend adventure, or carving out a week to go exploring, your kids are sure to remember these getaways for decades to come. After years of trial and error, we’ve discovered some ideal destinations where...

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family, savings, seasonal, summer, travel, vacation

The Latte Factor 101
The Latte Factor 101

Making your way through the drive through every morning before 7:30 may give you a refreshing start to your day, but at what cost? The ideology that coffee shops and other retailers capitalize on is the notion that these small expenditures add a little excitement to your day without a hefty bill. However, when you enjoy perks like these on a daily basis,...

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latte factor, Money Management, Personal Finance, Save Money, savings