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Archive: April 2017

What to do When Your Identity is Stolen
What to do When Your Identity is Stolen

With fraud alerts, identity protection, and chip-enabled cards, you’d think it would be near impossible for a stranger to swipe your personal information. Unfortunately, it’s easier than you think! Other than preparing yourself with preventative measures there is no sure-fire way to make sure your identity remains safe and secure. If you...

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cyber security, financial education, identity theft, online saftey, Personal Finances

10 Steps to Keep Your Identity Secure
10 Steps to Keep Your Identity Secure

It may seem like protecting your personal information is just one more thing to add to the to-do list, but being proactive now could save you a mountain of work later. At Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri, we believe your identity is the most precious thing you have. To help you keep it safe we offer the following steps to help you keep it as secure...

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cyber security, financial education, identity theft, safety online

Cyber Security Basics for Beginners
Cyber Security Basics for Beginners

With hackers and scammers out amongst the pages of the internet, how do you browse safely? There are many tips and tricks you can use while on the internet to better maintain the security your personal information needs. See how to bolster your online bodyguard with these simple and helpful tools!   Enable the great wall: Your computer has...

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cyber security, financial education, identity theft, online, Safety

Teaching Your Children the Basics of Online Security
Teaching Your Children the Basics of Online Security

If you’re like many parents in the United States, your preteens and teenagers may be running circles around you when it comes to utilizing the latest technology. Whether that’s Facebook’s latest updates, new iPhone technology, or the latest app hitting the scene, the amount of new knowledge and innovation seems endless. For your growing...

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cyber security, family, financial education, identity theft, online, Security