When it comes to teaching your kids important money lessons, the sooner the better! While young children can’t fully comprehend all that goes into finances, there are a lot of fun activities that can help them better understand. Try these out next time you’re looking for a fun way to entertain your little ones! 

Financial Board Games 

A simple way to learn about finances and include the whole family is to purchase a money-related board game. If you have little kids, games like Money Bags allow them to practice simple math, counting, learning coins, saving, making change and more. For older kids, the classic Monopoly games or Pit (Bulls and Bears) are great board game options. 

Allowance Savings Competition 

If you give your kids an allowance, this is the perfect opportunity to turn it into a money lesson. Make it a savings competition between siblings and reward the person with the most allowance saved at the end of the month with a bonus. Not only is this a fun family competition, but it also encourages saving and is an example of how rewarding it is long-term. 

Family Trip to the Grocery Store 

This activity is ideal for both younger and older kids, plus it’ll check one of your to-dos for the week off the list. Head to the grocery store with your kids and explain important financial concepts as you go along. 

  • Wants vs needs 
  • Using dollar bills and coins 
  • Coupons and deals 
  • Avoiding impulse buying
  • Generic vs branded 

If your kids play pretend store at home, they’ll find this real-life outing fun and exciting, too! 

25 Cent Game 

This simple activity for younger kids starts by drawing five circles on a piece of paper. Give your child a bunch of coins and tell them to fill each circle with coins that add up to 25 cents. The challenge is to find all five different ways to make 25 cents, NOT including 25 pennies! 

Online Games and Apps 

With today’s technology, teaching your kids about the basics of money and coin counting is simple! For example, have them try this “Learn to Count Money” game from ABCya.com. If you’re looking for an app they can use on a tablet or phone, download apps like “Motion Math: Cupcake!” where they’re in charge of their own cupcake shop and have to handle the finances, too. 

Going outside to play all day is not as popular of an option when the temperatures continue to drop this winter. The good thing is that all of these games can be done while staying warm indoors! Enjoy these fun activities with your kids, and remember to click here to learn more about the financial services we offer! 


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