If it’s your first semester of college and you’re realizing that managing money is harder than expected, you’re not alone. It’s never too late to make changes to your financial habits. Here are some helpful money‐saving tips for college students:

1. Use Your Meal Plan

If you have a meal plan, make it worth your money! Many college students still go out to eat often, even with a meal plan which ends up costing you way more than necessary. If you get sick of the dining center you always go to, mix it up by going to a different dining center on campus if your college has multiple.

​2. Walk If Possible

The great part about living on or near campus, especially if you go to a smaller school, is that you can walk almost everywhere you need to go. Sometimes parking passes are necessary, but many times you can carpool with friends or walk where you need to go. Plus, you’re getting a little more exercise.

​3. Rent Textbooks or Buy Them Used

One of the biggest mistakes new college students make is buying their books new and at full price. There are countless websites that sell used textbooks for much cheaper or you could buy the online version instead of the hardcover book. Consider joining a student Facebook group at your university since many students sell their old books on Facebook or elsewhere. 

​4. Utilize College Checking/Savings Accounts

Many banks offer checking and savings accounts designed for the unique needs of college students. Not only is there usually no minimum balance required, but they have lower fees.

​5. Bring Your Student ID

Student discounts are common, especially in college towns, so make sure you bring your student ID with you to stores and restaurants. 

6. Start Investing in Your Future

It’s never too early to save for the future. Whether that means saving to pay off your student loans or opening an IRA, now’s a good time to start thinking long‐term.

​7. Use the University Amenities

Avoid paying for a gym membership or fitness classes if your university already provides them for students at no cost. You’re only a student for a few years, so take advantage of these amenities while you can.

We wish you the best of luck with the rest of your school year! If you’re looking to open a checking or savings account, feel free to contact us and we’ll guide you through the process.

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